Thursday, May 17, 2012

Big News!

(Quick disclaimer, I tried to put links to things and couldn't figure it out)

   So, we have some BIG NEWS that has come about over the last week or so!  Some of you may have been wondering what has been going on with us as some of our tweets or facebook statuses have been vague or not completely coherent at times.  Well as of now we are set to close on a house in Keller Park next Friday.  We are taking a leap of faith and doing what we believe God is asking us to do.  We plan to be living there by around the first of August.  Some will question why we would do this and some will call us stupid and irrational.  We appreciate every-ones honesty and we do listen to what you have to say.  I will try to explain some of how we got to this point.

   For me this started in November of 2009 with a small group outing and a series that was happening in Senior High at that time.  You can read more about that by going to my first blog post.  It has been a crazy journey since then.  In the spring of 2010 my friend Pastor Derry Prenkert re-posted a blog from Kory and Ali Lantz (Transformation Ministries) about needs in their ministry.  You can check their blog out here    We were in a position to be able to help them with some of those needs at that time.  When our family took the supplies and food to Kory and Ali we sat down and talk to them sharing my story and ours as a family.  A connection was made and we continued to pray and also give money to Kory and Ali and the Transformation through our weekly giving at Nappanee Missionary Church.  We would continue to stay updated with what was going on in their ministry through blog post and talking with Kory's mom Cindi (a great women of God by the way).  Chris continued to say no to ministry full time (with valid reasons) but allowed me to help serve at NMC however I could.

   Fast forward to the beginning of October 2011.  After me praying for almost two years that Chris' heart would open up to us living differently God answered my prayer.  Out of nowhere Chris mentioned about 5 different mission fields that we might look at.  Some excited me and some scared me but one in particular made me smile.  She asked what if we moved to Keller Park and lived in the neighborhood.  Well on November 13th at the morning service at NMC Kory and Ali along with David and Carrie Badertscher ( shared about Keller Park and the Transformation.  Well after the service Chris went and asked Pastor Terry Bley if there had been thought of another family locating to Keller Park.  After Pastor Terry picked himself up off the floor, he knew that Chris was against ministry work and that the Holy Spirit was clearly talking, he said that we would have to talk about it.  Through emails and a sit down with Pastor Terry a plan was laid out on how to approach this possibility.

   Through part of figuring this all out we meet with Pastor Ryan Yazel and his wife Robin, who have been at Keller Park Church for the last 8 years.  These two are great and have their hearts right and I'm excited to see how our families relationship will grow.  Also, check out this blog post from Ryan as it states things better than I could think of doing 

   Now, to clarify a few things.  We will not be part of the Transformation as Chris and I both plan on still working our current jobs.  We will be helping with the Transformation and with the Keller Park Church.  What those roles will look like I believe only God knows at this point.  We are excited, scared and nervous and whatever other emotion you can think of.  Here is what we know for sure and that is that we have been called to live beyond ourselves and to help serve others.  This song seems fitting at this time.  The only glory that we seek is for God to be Glorified in all that we do!  We are currently accepting applications for prayer warriors as we continue on this journey that God has us on!


  1. WOW!! Big news indeed! You definately have my prayers as you embark on this adventure.

    1. Thanks Renee! I'm amazed at what God has been able to do in our lives over the last almost 4 years.
