God has been doing some stirring of my heart lately. Everything that I have been learning and understanding lately has had to do with love. Love for God, love for my wife, love for my kids, love for my family, love for friends, love for fellow Christians and love for strangers.
At church we took ten weeks to study Jeremiah 29:10-14. This was an unbelievable series. If you want you can watch it at
http://nmconline.net/. The one part that stuck with me the most is in Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." God doesn't ask for a quarter or half of our heart he asks for all of our heart. My desire is to give God all of my heart and from there I will be able to give more of myself to others.
Love for my wife and kids has also been on my mind lately. I will be the first to admit that I'm not always slow to anger. Patience is something that I have prayed for often. I have realized that life on earth can be cut short at anytime and I need to enjoy the time that I have with my family here. There is nothing like seeing my wife with a genuine smile on her beautiful face. Or seeing my kids light up when talking about God and Jesus or anything that they enjoy.
The last thing that has been stirring in my heart has been love for strangers. My wife and I have been blessed with good paying jobs and are now realizing that we need to give more than we have in the past. Our giving is not just of our money, but of time spent with others. Money is how most Americans give. Yes the money helps in most cases, but if there is no meaning behind it then it is worthless. If we can give of our money, our time and our heart then I believe that we have truly done something.
At the end of the day the goal is to share God's love with people of all types. This can be done through many different avenues. It could be a smile, a hug, kind words, a hot meal, or just having a conversation with a person. Price tags can be put on many items, but sharing God's love is