It's so amazing how God has opened my eyes at His beauty over the last four days. Today's beauty was the snow that we received this morning. I do not normally like snow but today was different. From the time that Jackson woke up and seen the snow he wanted to go out and play in it. Finally at about 10:30 we went outside. Seeing Jackson's face light up when we were outside was amazing. We played for about an hour and had a great time. I'm looking forward to more snow so that the kids and I can play in it.
I believe the look on Jackson's face today is how God looks down on us when we take the time to enjoy the beauty that he has created for us. This is something that we need to do more often and I believe that this 60 day journey will help get me to where I need to be. Thank you God and Derry for putting this challenge in front of me.
I have the same problem I do not like snow. But it is created by God and is beautiful.